Cosmetic Acupuncture
An increasing popular cosmetic treatment to reduce signs of premature ageing, cosmetic acupuncture is anti-aging facial using acupuncture needles to stimulate skin cell regeneration, smoothing lines and enhancing firmness and volume of the skin.
Cosmetic Acupuncture helps to naturally and holistically reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as working to lift and tone the areas of the face which may have begun to sag.
Unlike Botox, cosmetic acupuncture is a natural healing response, to micro wounds produced by ultra-fine microneedles, helping to reduce superficial signs of premature aging.
Cosmetic acupuncture aims to leave your skin feeling, radiant and firm.
It can be a one-off treatment, but a course is recommended.
The treatment lasts up to 90 minutes. It will begin with a discussion about your treatment aims. We use anaesthetic numbing cream to ensure a painless treatment, the session will finish with facial massage and the application of hyaluronic acid serum which further enhances the treatment process.
£70.00 – 90 minutes
Course of 5 - £320.00